YouTube resources

These 3-min e-presentations won awards or special mentions from the OFE2021 audience and Scientific Committee:
► Participatory experimentation at CETA35 – N. Trubert et al. (CETA 35, France)
► Using digital maps to build research questions relevant to Falkland Islands farmers – M. McNee et al. (Department of Agriculture, Falkland Islands)
► eFields: Ohio State University’s On-Farm Research Program – E. M. Hawkins, et al. (The Ohio State University, USA)
► Increasing the speed and uptake of innovation in the field vegetable and potato sectors: defining a new approach for delivering cost effective research – L. Sagoo et al. (ADAS, UK; INAGRO, Belgium; Arvalis, France; DELPHY, Netherlands)
► Case study: Innovative Farmers, lessons from 10 years championing farmer-led on-farm research in the UK – H. Aldis et al. (Soil Association, UK)
► From Data to Decisions: Facilitating Transformational Learning through the Nebraska On-Farm Research Network – L. Thompson et al. (Univ. of Nebraska, USA)